All Solomon Preventive Home Maintenance Programs start with a complete home inspection, looking for the little things that seal the envelope of your building from air and water infiltration. We are identifying areas that might not meet our program requirements that will need a seperate quote, plus we are writting our items that are included in the program. Our building envelope inspections are very thourgh and informative. Once that inspection is complete, your inspector will present you with a program proposal/ contract.
Once your program has started, you will receive a house wash schedule date followed by our maintenance crew to perform the annual envelope maintenance.
At the end of the program year, you will have the option to renew the program. Save on annual fees by buying up to 3 years at a time saving 15% on the annual cost.
The base program covers any home up to 1800 sq ft for the cost of $1099.00 per year for the below program inspection points.